The primary purpose of the Mass Save® program is to offer homeowners a way to understand the crucial aspects of their energy usage and find out how to use their energy more efficiently, lower their bills, and reduce energy consumption.
The program ensures that they receive a no-cost home assessment to ascertain how they use their energy and identify the things homeowners can do to improve their energy usage. Aside from helping homeowners achieve immediate cost savings, the program helps protect the environment by significantly reducing energy consumption in the future.
The Mass Save Heat Loan Program is designed to help Massachusetts residents finance the cost of energy-efficient heating and cooling equipment upgrades through zero-interest loans.
Here’s how the Mass Save Heat Loan Program typically works:
Heat Loan Program is available to Massachusetts residents who are customers of participating electric or gas utilities. Eligible participants include homeowners, landlords, and tenants with the property owner’s permission.
Qualifying Upgrades:
The Heat Loan Program allows participants to finance the purchase and installation of eligible energy-efficient heating and cooling equipment. This can include items such as high-efficiency furnaces, boilers, heat pumps, central air conditioning systems, ductless mini-split heat pumps, and more.
Home Energy Assessment:
Before applying for a Heat Loan, participants are encouraged to schedule a Home Energy Assessment with Weathervane Home Services. During the assessment, an energy specialist will evaluate the home’s energy usage and recommend energy-saving upgrades, including heating and cooling equipment upgrades if necessary.
Select an HPIN Contractor:
Participants must work with a participating contractor registered with Mass Save, such as Weathervane Home Services to install the energy-efficient heating or cooling equipment. If you are installing heat pump(s), you may qualify for 0% financing up to $50,000 for qualifying energy-efficiency upgrades. Weathervane Home Services is an approved Mass Save contractor.
Loan Application:
Once the participant has selected Weathervane Home Services and chosen the eligible upgrades to be installed, they can apply for a Heat Loan through Mass Save. The loan application process typically involves completing an application form and providing documentation such as an estimate from Weathervane Home Services and proof of ownership.
Loan Approval:
Upon approval of the loan application, the participant will receive a zero-interest loan from a participating lender for the cost of the eligible energy-efficient upgrades. Loan amounts can vary depending on the cost of the upgrades and other factors.
Installation of Upgrades:
After the loan is approved, Weathervane Home Services will proceed with the installation of the energy-efficient heating or cooling equipment according to the agreed-upon scope of work.
Loan Repayment:
Participants repay the Heat Loan over a specified term, typically up to 7 years (84 months). Since the loan is interest-free, participants do not incur any additional interest charges.
Overall, the Mass Save Heat Loan Program provides a convenient and affordable way for Massachusetts residents to finance energy-efficient heating and cooling upgrades and improve the energy efficiency of their homes.